Mar 25Liked by Michael Glenn

"It gives me purpose, meaning, and direction, that for the last 15 years or so I’ve been completely lacking." I love this for you! Keep up the amazing work, Michael.

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Thanks Betsy!

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Michael, thanks for sharing your success story here! We’ve connected a number of times on AWAI posts/threads this past year, and I’m just so excited you’ve found opportunities to begin making an income from your writing! You encourage me, man. I’m working hard to build up a body of consistent content writing so I have a pseudo portfolio to be able to point potential clients to. I haven’t started reaching out to clients yet, and I’m scared to, honestly. But I’m hoping by getting some work published to show what I’m capable of will help me with the confidence to begin reaching out to try and land that first client. I’m continuing with AWAI courses to also help build up the confidence as well. Anyway… I’m just encouraged by you as I know you’re early in your journey as well. And I appreciate how you’ve taken a dive into this and it’s working for you! It gives me hope that this is a legitimate path for me as well.

Thanks for your work! 🙏 Looking forward to sharing more together. 👍

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Thank you so much, Jonathan! That initial fear has been the hardest part of my journey, by far.

Mind you, some things are still hard even today, but once you push through that initial fear and doubt, it’s like something happens in your brain and you realize you CAN do the things that make you so afraid, you don’t think you could ever face it…

I know this moment (or something like it) is in your future - and I predict that when YOU decide you’re ready, you’ll do it, and you’ll do it beautifully.

I’m always rooting for you!

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Mar 12Liked by Michael Glenn

I have to agree. Working does REALLY give a great feeling. I'll never stop working! I just love it. I can't say that I know what it's like to actually be paid for that work though. Sadly, I've been a member of AWAI for awhile now and haven't gotten paid for anything. I certainly could use one to buy my freedom. Living where I am is anything but wonderful. Still, I'm glad for those who are paid though. AWAI does share alot, you simply have to look into those opprounities. I'm sure that you know that though. Honestly, if they didn't offer that, I wouldn't be a member. Personally, I set aside a day to only work on AWAI jobs, etc. Still, some can't try out for even written jobs if they require a degree. If you've been disabled most of your life, it's highly unlikely that you have one. Yet, it's rather sad because people are really missing out because really the experience and capability of helping matters most. What is possible and what that person can do is what I think should matter most. There's also the need or want to help as well of course. You speak of disability and really only YOU know your case. Nobody else does... You do not need to explain anything to anyone. Having a disability doesn't define you, me or anyone with one. Others can understand or not understand and if they don't understand it's really their loss. You shouldn't think that you have to explain anything to anyone. Those who are worse off aren't more worthy then anyone else. A hard life is infact a hard life. I believe that everyone should be helped equally but that's not my call or really any ONE person's call. I honestly think, why rely on SSA because in reality it may not be there forever and what happens then? Why not use your amazing skills and get more jobs like you have with AWAI? I hope that you get more of those. Shoot! I hope that I get even one. LOLOL Still, why rely on anything because honestly nothing is certain. Anyway, good post.

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I do feel like the one thing that's certain is God. Since I gave my life to following Him, he's repaid me with blessings greater than anything I could've dreamt up myself! Including this newsletter, and the success I'm having with AWAI.

I'm gonna push you a teeny bit, because I know you but I don't know you super well:

If you can write everyday, you can learn to write for a client (AND you can learn how to find those clients!) Whatever fear is holding you back is just that: fear. 9 times out of 10 it's not even something that will ever happen... and that 10th time, you can figure out a way around it.

If you want to work, Angela, (and get paid for it) you should be pursuing paid work, every day. There's no real reason why you can't do it.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13Liked by Michael Glenn

Thank you for saying that Michael. I hope that you're right. I honestly do and I try but technical issues keep dragging me down everywhere. I had an etsy store, it had to be taken down after technical issues started there. I had a zazzle store, that had to be taken down eventually too...due to issues! Same for ebay, redbubble, etc. Anything that has to do with paypal, which let's face it, that's ALOT of things online! I grew up in the arts, yet very few have been in contact with me in yrs. because my emails don't go out correctly. They all messed up due to technology. I tend to think that someone who has seen me having a seizure years ago is trying to stop my making a living out of "tough love" or maybe someone who thinks it's not best for my health to get into show biz is messing with me. I'm not interested in show biz. though, I'm interested in living and money pays rent, food, etc. I'm not BIG on money but it IS needed to live. I have more experience in the arts than anything else. I also just love creating art so why not! Maybe someone else is scared and won't let me live freely due to it. *shrugs* I absolutely agree that fear might be the cause. Either that or due to the fact that I often voice my opinions and that may have gotten someone mad enough to make my life a living hell. Which honestly if my life were nothing but online things it would be. Shoot! Kids actually THINK life IS the computer and that's how some suicides happen! It's very close but I'd NEVER go there because it's obvious to me that life is much more than a computer! I DO have alot of struggles in my life though and in actuality, you along with others online have been more supportive than my family about my art today. I'm not talking about the past. My family was supportive in the past at least to a degree. That just did not last. If it's in the public eye, they are very supportive but if it's not in the public eye...the support for art is nolonger there. You'd think my health issues were more than enough to cause stress but I have multiple struggles that I'm having to deal with due to my living here. My body can't always deal with them all and that stress comes out in HUGE panic attacks. Those VERY RARELY happen but have happened mainly around my parents and after being in hugely stressful situations. Right now I simply don't title God and use the title the unknown but I too feel very strongly about it. The unknown is infact a title in a way I suppose... I just believe that alot of bad things have come from people fighting over the word God and I don't want to be involved in anything to do with that. I don't like violence at all. I know that there are people even today who have been harmed by that word and that is being ignored by those with money. It's just that the word God has also done alot of good and that good should also be noted. In all honesty, I would not be alive if it were not for the word God. All in all, I believe 100% in the unknown because I don't wish to be involved in anything ignoring harm, etc. I grew up in the Church and certainly don't judge those who DO choose to believe in the word God. Some people truly need it and wish for no harm. All in all I see supporting it as helping to cover up harm though. I simply didn't always realise that and, I can't do that. I realise that everyone who does use the word God, isn't doing so for evil purposes though. Some actually NEED it and like I said before, they mean NO harm whatsoever. Growing up, my dad (Vietnam Vet) was Choir director and I was in the Choir. I'd often have a seizure and have to rest in a room where the preachers wife was kind enough to watch me. They were VERY nice and helpful during that time. It's a long story as to why I don't go to Church today but it's not because I believe any less. If anything I believe a little more, only I don't believe in angels or that man can walk on water. I'm really between because I don't judge even those who believe in nothing at all. Personally, I DO believe in Spirits and in signs, etc. I don't believe in Ghosts but Spirits. It's hard to explain how I believe because I also believe in Scientifically proven energy and don't think that some things messed with are necessarily a good place to go. That would be because of the feelings that come from my seizures. Along with, what has happened to help me over the years that cannot be Scientifically explained. I DO NOT think that place should be experimented with too much, etc. Especially those such as myself because I have seriously felt that it brings on a seizure. I looked it up and saw that Epilepsy can open up the part of the brain that understands Spirituality. I honestly believe that those who are that close to death may unconsciously know something that those on earth aren't ready to know so we'd die before anyone could learn it. That cannot be Scientifically proven though and is my personal belief based on the feelings I have gotten from my seizures. In other words if people were to do a Spiritual study on me, I truly believe that I'd have a seizure and die before they could learn that much. I believe that would happen for a reason. I'm beyond thankful that my seizures are under control today. If what I've worked for all my life is taken away from me and I can never gain financial freedom due to the Dr.s, surgeons who helped me, I have a freedom that nobody can ever take away. Spiritual freedom. The fact that I've been strong enough to keep trying can and never will be taken away from me either! I have no idea who or why some things may happen to me and some may call that crazy but that's how I feel. It really depends on the reasons, etc. Anyway, I think that if you believe in something and it doesn't harm others and helps you through life, you should keep believing in it. I think that you're absolutely right... someone may be stuck in fear but sadly... I don't believe that it's me. I long for life but don't even fear death itself. I've been there and know there's nothing to fear. I think having a condition where people actually see you fall on the floor convulsing and are unable to stop it could harm those watching it. Obviously it harmed me but I honestly think that it causes emotional damage to those who witnessed it as well. At least those who didn't stand over me pointing or acting like they too were having a seizure, etc. I think that damage could create fear and that fear could be what's stopping me. It may not be but it also might be. Maybe someone has a fear of moving on? I know that I fear life today because obviously, I was much worse as a teen but I also was in Choir, I was in theatre, in parades, etc. Everyone can't say that and I know it. That took courage because I knew I could always fall down convulsing. I can't fall like that today because it's under control but at that time I could and again who's to say others haven't moved on? Who's to say that they'll ever let me actually live before I die? Who knows...it's very sad if you look at it that way though. I honestly feel stuck..like everyone else can live but I can't.

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I know that stuck feeling.

I'm always rooting for you, Angela, no matter what! In the end, you alone will know what you're supposed to do; all the rest of us can do is decide if we're going to support you in your efforts, or not.

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