Apr 2Liked by Michael Glenn

Hi, Michael! I love the self-awareness and listening to the signals your body is giving you about taking a break this week. It's tough breaking the habit of soldiering on, but I'm getting better at setting boundaries and saying no to things/people when I'm in a state of overhwelm.

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It's hard to break out of that routine, but taking time off has helped me to see that the pace I was going at just isn't sustainable, and if I want to build something to last, I need to slow down. Having that realization almost feels like now I can give myself permission to go at a slower pace, because I know that's the only way I'll get where I really want to go.

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Apr 9Liked by Michael Glenn

Pacing myself is surely something I struggle with. I just want it all done now. I'm great at creating the plan and all of the to-do's but then I get overwhelmed by how many steps there are to achieve my goal. I've learned the key is to break my project down into manageable chunks each day and then not be hard on myself if I don't get everything on today's list completed. I must admit that I dislike not getting everything done and having to shuffle things to the next day. Before long, it snowballs. I guess the lesson here is slow and steady wins the race;)

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Apr 2Liked by Michael Glenn

I make sure I continue to get exercise. 30-60 mins walking/running on treadmill or outside. I feel like I can’t survive without that endorphin release. It truly helps to keep depression and anxiety at bay.

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I'm learning that diet and exercise are huge. Even something as simple as drinking enough water each day can make an enormous difference! I can tell when my diet is off, because I just don't have the energy or the focus that I need.

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