Michael, you've got this, pal! What's more, you're helping others who are searching for work and starting their lives over after traumatic events, layoffs, illness, or any significant transition in life...and showing them they're not alone in their struggles. That's a big deal. And you do that every time you write a post here. Keep it going, you've come too far to ever, ever, ever turn back. Let us know how the first day goes and any takeaways you find along the way!

You've more than got this, especially with God on your side and in front of you leading the way! To paraphrase a Bible verse that's on a mini-poster on my bulletin board, "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you." That's in Deuteronomy 31:8. That's more than words on a page in some book; that's one of many of God's promises that's guaranteed. I had to learn that as well in my own journey, and I'm still learning how He's there for me (that's why I have that verse posted on my office bulletin board).

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Yes! That idea of God going before me has been my guiding light since I moved to Lubbock last year... every time I've felt discouraged, afraid, or uncertain, I reminded myself that I KNEW before I moved that this is where God wants me to be... and that God wouldn't bring me this far just to let me fail now.

It's nice to see that sentiment repeated back to me; it's like confirmation that I truly am on the right path. And you're absolutely right - I can never turn back. I'm worth more than that!

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Jan 30Liked by Michael Glenn

You’re amazing! Keep it going, going forward and not back! Let us know how the first day goes!

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Thank you Roberta! I'm sure I'll be sharing a couple of updates on this, when it feels appropriate. I appreciate your encouragement and support!

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Jan 30Liked by Michael Glenn

You've got this, my friend! I believe in you and know that you will crush it.

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Thank you Betsy! I am confident that it's all going to go well, despite how frightened I am. I just wanted to highlight what it feels like, to be that afraid.

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